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The Others

the others


the project
The Others is an innovative international exhibition project dedicated to the emerging contemporary art.

The protagonists of The Others are all the operators – no matter if profit or no-profit – which deal on a continuous basis with programs dedicated to young artists: galleries born after January 1st 2009 and – irrespectively on their opening date – no-profit centers, associations and foundations, artists or curators collectives, artist-run-spaces, publishing projects, art awards, residences for artists, art schools and academies, bookshops which deal with art, spaces dedicated to young, self-produced design and artist graphics which meet at The Others to develop a focus on the global community of emerging art.

A unique exhibition platform, implemented to gather the multiplicity of the realities which operate for the promotion of the younger artists and contexts showing a wide variety of objectives, programs and means of expression. Few initiatives exist for their collective promotion, and yet all subjects do share the spirit of researching and valorizing the emerging creative energies. A great opportunity for visibility and – at the same time – an essential place to gather and exchange experiences, contacts and projects; elements which constitute the very basis for the development of professional networks and activate virtuous synergies, as it is essential for the growth of the whole contemporary art system.

Devised for young exhibitors in terms of quality and access, The Others is therefore a privileged observatory on the emerging international creativity, a place for a welcoming, experimental and non-conventional cultural proposal.

A mesmerizing venue – i.e. the former jail of Le Nuove – and the late opening time – from 6.00 p.m. to 01.00 a.m. – completes a formula which has proven to be successful as a new art promotion format and which – at the same time – offers the audience the renewed pleasure of discovering the newest voices and most bursting energies of the artistic panorama.

Provided with a performing area set up in the enthralling theater of the former prison – which shall host meetings, presentations, readings, theater and music performances, video projections, live music and dj set – as well as with bars and restoration points arranged in the former laboratories which face the central garden, Le Nuove represent a gathering and meeting place of tremendous appeal for all the artlovers and the youngest audience; the very beating heart of Turin’s contemporary art.

Until now the story, now current and future.

This year, the fair decided to bet on the care and quality research of the whole project; the artistic management – director Olga Gambari and a scientific committee formed by Roberta Pagani and Stefano Riba – shall be aimed at attaining the best possible shared result.


The Others, by its nature, explores new territories, tries to present itself as an outpost, as an antenna. Thus is not afraid to declare that the traditional formula of the art fairs is likely to be an anachronistic concept, which does not reflect the real situation of the emerging art. So The Others sheds its skin, courageously and with a hint of madness, and gives heed to all those organizations for which it was born and to whom it is addressed.
The protagonists are dynamic and vital spaces, the real incubators of creativity, broadly speaking, that are disposed to take the challenge and expose themselves. We’re addressing them, we were looking for them, and for them we have turned into something that’s no longer a fair, but a cultural happening consisting of a series of exhibitions and definitively abandoning the word “stand” .
That’s how we do BOOM! and that’s how we reject the idea of crisis that’s gripping, that’s on everyone’s lips and that blocks everything. The Others believes in this possibility, and invites everyone to submit their own idea of BOOM!, proposing a project, an artist, a work.
Each exhibitor is asked to give a title to the outfitting that she/he displays within the cell reserved for her/him. That word will become a further declination of The Others theme. This BOOM! wants to be a response to the crisis, to immobility, to the constant complaint (on dictionaries, Boom appears amongst contraries of the word “crisis”). To oppose different artists, projects, works, curators and professionals to the crisis. To put it in crisis, simply by creating a place full of energy, proposals, research. That’s what we like about art: its infinite possibilities to reflect, to subvert, to propose thinking and invent the future.
And then BOOM!

The Others is promoted by Associazione The Others and organized by Ventundodici Srl.